Sunday, April 14, 2013

Back to school!

And so begins the story of our adventures at the head start programs in New Orleans. We had spoken the night before about how we were going to split up into three groups, each group going to a different school to work with the students and teachers at the head start schools. By the end of the week we were all beyond exhausted because our children wore us out! They had so much energy and just wanted to play and be loved all the time. We reflected every day before dinner and shared our experiences at the different schools - Any difficulties and things we found that were shocking to us etc. Some days reflection lasted longer than others but the main themes that we all agreed on. The students in the head start programs really needed it, the kids needed more attention and that they were understaffed at the schools. We went to school Monday through Thursday and we were all a bit relieved that we could have a day off on Friday but the teachers at the head start schools-They didn't get a day off. They did this Monday through Friday up until July and they only get about a month off and they start back up in September. We all gave them such credit because they didn't have to do this, they could quit if they wanted to but they didn't. They don't give up on these kids and that was so inspiring to me.

The school my did our service in. We weren't allowed to take pictures inside the school.
At the Incarnate World School.

Our playground where we had recess

Lunch tables
We had dinner with these amazing kids who were part of the Hope program which takes kids who come from unfortunate settings and gives them a chance to live together and go to school. They have 100% graduation rate from High School and most of them go to college. They were so sweet.
Glen was my favorite!

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